Monday, 29 March 2010

Water, lots of it!

We saw water everywhere we went, from the weir at the top to Aysgarth falls in the bottom two pictures. Apparently the snow has not been gone long off the hills and we did see some still at the very top, that with the rain meant rivers etc had plenty of water.
Water fall a bit pathetic compared to the ones you have sent us and certainly nowhere near warm enough to have a splash in!
We had a very relaxing time so much so that after 2 hours in the spa bath, a couple of G&T's and champagne, I slept for 12 hours the first night!

Lots of sheep and pretty hills

It was a great time to go with lambs everywhere. The photo taken through a window was from our bedroom and there were lambs all around the cottage, nothing new for you two in NZ I guess but it was nice for a city girl like me. They would come up to the french doors in the sitting room as well skipping and playing.
We did do a couple of walks and we were really lucky with the weather which was brilliant sunshine.
Mike said a big thank you to Amo for his sat nav which nearly made me redundant as a map reader, one of the few skills I have is the ability to read maps so I wasn't sure about it. We do need to learn how to update it though, can you remember Amo?

Pictures from our Yorkshire cottage

As you can see we had a very relaxing weekend. There was a spa bath for two which I thoroughly enjoyed and managed to use loads. Had great fun with the bubbles as the jets made great foam to play with.
There was an open fire, dvd, sky, the works it definateley deserved its 5 stars. You can see us having dinner at the cottage and me in my new black dress waiting to be wined and dined.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Signs of Spring!

Good to see that after such a cold winter we are seeing the signs of spring in the garden. It was a beautiful day yesterday and I would have loved to have got stuck in to some pruning but the essay was calling. Instead I took these photos to remind you how lovely England can be when the sun is shining and went back in and got on with the essay that has now gone to the markers.
Hope you are enjoying being back on the road again.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Someone else loves Gaten Kaas!

Puja sent Dad off to Holland with requests for Gaten kaas and Stroop waffles! Trip went well and Dad had a nice time with Opa. Wil cooked lovely meals and Dad managed a cycle ride or two.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Cats are fine

Jiggles doesn't like to go out much in the winter so as her claws have got long she thought she would file them. She loved the nailfile and played with it for ages.
Squeak caught on the worktop, I thought he had been in a fight as he had blood on him but actually he is looking so proud because another pigeon bit the dust!
They are both fine Jiggy loves to sit on our windowsill and watch the birds outside from a comfortable warm position. She gets very excited when one lands in the front garden tree. Leo was most suprised to see where she sleeps in the utility and really couldn't imagine how she could get there so I lifted him up on the sink and showed him the dirty paw prints on the cupboard.
Squeak is a bit less friendly with the boys as they have to manage his fur problems but he was still a big softy this weekend when I was trying to do my essay and came and sat on the keyboard for a chupar.