Sunday, 7 March 2010

Cats are fine

Jiggles doesn't like to go out much in the winter so as her claws have got long she thought she would file them. She loved the nailfile and played with it for ages.
Squeak caught on the worktop, I thought he had been in a fight as he had blood on him but actually he is looking so proud because another pigeon bit the dust!
They are both fine Jiggy loves to sit on our windowsill and watch the birds outside from a comfortable warm position. She gets very excited when one lands in the front garden tree. Leo was most suprised to see where she sleeps in the utility and really couldn't imagine how she could get there so I lifted him up on the sink and showed him the dirty paw prints on the cupboard.
Squeak is a bit less friendly with the boys as they have to manage his fur problems but he was still a big softy this weekend when I was trying to do my essay and came and sat on the keyboard for a chupar.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... The look beautiful!
    I check the blog everytime so great to see the pics. Andrew laughed out load at Squeak saying "he's as wide as he is long". Nice to see Wiggy looking a bit naughty and not so old lady-ish1
