Saturday, 26 June 2010

Going out to Party and Peonys

Still as soft as ever. He must have at least 7 bells on now to try and stop him getting birds.

We were having a walk around the garden before going to Rogers party and Tom came out with his camera. He really does seem to get some good photos with his fancy camera. Do you think Dad looks nice in the t-shirt you sent him, I do.

I am so pleased with my Peony plant, last year it only had one flower, now look at it.

We had a lovely day. Rogers party was nice and it was so hot. Long time since I have had nothing to do but sit in a pretty garden and eat lovely food and talk for 5 hours. Dropped into Em's on the way home and watched the Ghana v USA match. I was very happy that Ghana won.


  1. Dad looks great in the t-shirt. Glad it fits. Dennis might like to see that pic. Mum your hair looks very nice too. Can u introduce me to ur hairdresser when I'm back. I'll be in need of major help by then! Garden looks great, is it really that sunny?! Xxxx

  2. Lol, hairdresser, not had it cut since Feb. I just bung on a Boots organics semi-permananet every now and then when the grey is really showing through. Decided I would go back to Louis and pay his mega prices but he has left Kinky and I don't know where he is or even if he is hairdressing.

    Has been that sunny this week and is still really warm here tonight and it is 20.00hrs. So good to finally get nice weather.

    S xx
